... and never do dream I will fall. Thank you Emmy Lou for understanding.
I really want to feel very sorry for myself. Very. First there was our romantic plans for just the two of us in CA -after that turned into nothinng but a streppy throat (medical term) I downgraded the anniversary plans. Besides this is one of those numbers that can't be true because I'm not even that old so how could my marriage be? We decided for a simple afternoon excursion on the sailboat, just us, our dear friends and Irene.
Poor me. Poor poor me. Does it really count that in between (that's when the summer comes for us) that we sailed and swam and beached and hiked and kayaked? No. And even if it did who knows if any of the necessary accouterments (spelling restrictions have been lifted due to the weather so no need to check that) will survive the weekend.
So I want to feel very sorry for myself since there really were earthquakes and lightning too. It's not at all fair that self pity is just so ruined by everybody else having pretty much the same week. Not fair at all.