I took this picture almost 10 years ago. I didn't need reading glasses then. I was just really impressed that my new digital camera (a 41st birthday present) showed the little bugs I hadn't even realized were there. On reconsideration this should have been a clue. It wasn't cameras improving in this case. I suspect I wouldn't have been as impressed at the closeups in my 30s.
I was one who laughed (laughed!) at all those jokes about holding the menu farther away -that was just silly. And old women who thought some young man attractive -creepy. Groaning every time one got out of a chair -unnecessary! Ridiculous!
Why oh why didn't anyone tell me that I would still feel like a 13 year old even when I had gray hair? That I would still get annoyed with my mom for being critical and think my older sister was... well, my big sister? That grown children could be as exasperating as toddlers -that is if one can ever really consider them grown? Why did none of those older women tell me this? I tell all the younger women. And then I remember, vaguely, like the little bugs I didn't notice when I took the picture, that someone probably did mention something along these lines. There was some buzzing in the background but you know how silly old ladies can be.