Also it means I am at a ski place. That is because the eldest is doing this handicapped skiing program and this weekend is there "race". Everybody cheer. And then everybody gets an award. And some osrt of bakery items are donated -maybe there were sandwiches too last year. I only remembertrying to smile and look enthusiastic and that something struck me as particularly pathetic about the whole thing and right now I can't even remember what. The thing is the person this centered around for us loved the free food, loves the skiing (even if it is siting down and tethered to your guide) so here we are again. I'm more particular in my love of free food, I don't like sliding down slopes, and I can't take anymore tears so I'm sitting in the rental unit trying out their "free wi-fi".
And where you may ask is the grandma? She is with the other daughter visiting her own home for the weekend. Her recovery from the pneumonia has been amazing. She is still puffing a bit but other than finishing the antibioitic and a diuretic she is simply back to where she was 2 weeks ago. No younger but only the expected 2 weeks older. I feel guilty for not bringing her with us but I would feel guilty no matter what.
And how you may ask (if you are a masochist) did I recover from the Mexican restaurant break-down? I followed it up with several more (naturally they all had understandable triggers and I always run out to my car or van to cry hysterically so they were really very grown-up break-downs) and then I followed that up with getting my HRT renewed and my blood pressure meds up. Also some ambien (well, the generic form).