OK, the experience piece does make us a bit calmer about getting the perfect teacher match -because the sure knowledge of the futility of trying to find that dampens the whole thrill of the hunt. Our perspective makes it perfectly clear we generally have no idea what we are looking at.
I always thought my ducks would be in a row at this age. After all I don't struggle with why bad things happen, even to good people, the whole "problem of pain" doesn't bother me. It's a mean old world. Nobody promised us a rose garden. Even bad lyrics cover these dilemmas. But here's one I don't get. Why do bad things happen to good people due to other good people? That one stumps me. Also, why when I have all these years of experience and could help my children avoid all the mistakes I made (and several I didn't) is my advice (to put it mildly) not appreciated, much less taken? Or at least not consistently.
If we all have to learn from our own mistakes then what's the point of making them? Also, why, when I have always wanted to be a real writer (I think that means paid but I try not to examine this concept real too closely) and I now equally desire to lose weight. I am still not a real writer (yes, I think I do mean paid) and the weight is coming not going. Why, why, why? I am waiting so patiently. I snack while I wait of course. And I play solitaire and I think about writing. Still it baffles me -almost as much as it baffles me that it baffles me.
At least these ducks are in a row.