This is the inside of Grandma's house at Christmas. I won't identify anyone but there were 13 other people who didn't even make it into this shot but were all in the same room. I will apologize for Grandma's cane being in front of her face. Otherwise it's perfect.
Still Hawaii seemed like a good idea. Grandma is even prepared.
OK, so it was irresistable to not get her to model the grass skirt and lei that we'd made are (also) long suffering daughter wear the night before during her graduation celebration (cake and congratulations) we squeezed into our annual Christmas carol sing along. I told my mom today when she was with my sister at the hospital that she has to live until we get back because we are going to photoshop her into the vacation pictures. She said OK.
Tomorrow we pack and then spend the night with our conveniently located other parent and let her drive us to the airport. Too late now to organize even thoughts.