Monday, August 24, 2009

The highs and lows

We took my next to last baby to college this weekend. And bought a beaver puppet for the last aby. It is tough explaining to a 4 yr old why his sister is going away to school and will not come home "the day next to today." Meanwhile I think I have poisoned myself with a Wegman's cookie. They are really big and I ate the whole chocolate dipped washed down with milk thing while I perused the news (MJ was murdered, Bill is down to a 2, things aren't going well in the Middle East, and appendices are useful (now they tell me)). Now I have a serious sugar overload and I called my nurse friend to be sure I'm not dying. I did not of course ask her this directly, I just gave her the facts so she could draw her own conclusions. She said to lie down and drink water. My excuse is that... actually it's pretty weak.

And in the other room my oldest is frustrated because he wants to travel alone and that is not a great option. There aren't alot of great options for him truth to tell. At least there is something he wants to do. That is an improvement over last month.

And I was working on some data analysis today -which sounds much more impressive than I spent 4 hours trying to figure out how to merge some data correctly except that I already had figured it out and just hadn't actually typed in the small but cricial "by" statement due to the argument over loud music with the next to oldest child. He is getting ready to move out. A good and terrible thing and suddenly we are fighting again as we haven't in years.

And it rained so hard yesterday that the hummingbird feeder has more liquid in it than it did before the storm. Fortunetely the hummingbirds will take their sugar watered down. They are lovely, ruby throated (and not) green flying gems of delightful joy. Really.

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