Friday, November 20, 2009

(the best) Pumpkin (or any other) muffin recipe

Last year for our 25th anniversary we went to Bermuda. And in less than 2 days we are going back because, well, we just are. I have alot of excuses for why we definitely needed a break but none for why we had to go to Bermuda -but isn't that itself proof positive of our complete (almost) nervous breakdown? If we hadn't lost our minds to all the stress we would have done something much more sensible. To make up for my lack of sense I offer you the best muffin recipe EVER. It just happens to have pumpkin in it. The original recipe come home from Nathanael's preschool (by Jesse's entrance only the name is unchanged).
Pumpkin Muffins
1 cup white flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 scant cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon (now why not call this ground?)
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
Mix all the above ingredients
In a larger bowl* beat the following together
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
2/3 cup cooked pumpkin**
1/4 cup melted margerine (one of the few times I don't prefer butter)
Mix in the dry ingredients
add (don't over mix now)
1/2 cup white raisins (picky but worth it, and my non raisin eaters weren't offended)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Bake in greased muffin pan at 400 degrees 20-25 minutes
-must be in conventional oven because with convection I start peaking before 15 minutes and the tops split -they smell done - they look done. The toothpick test works but why bother?
* that way one bowl has only had the dry stuff in it and will clean (wipe out) easily.
** And I mean you cooked it, or maybe a neighbor. Look my life is crazy but I still do this every year. Split your pumpkins, scoop out the seeds and strings, add a little water and put the tops back on. At 350 degrees after ~90 minutes the flesh will sccop right out and the water keeps the edges tender. Freeze the excess and start making muffins. You'll never go back to canned. It makes a nice break from grading papers.
So that's it for awhile. I sincerely hope the getting a break idea actually works and we come home happy to be here again. I've told the kids to only call in case of emergencies defined as involving police and/or hospitals. And under no circumstances are they to have any emergencies without us - or seizures, or fevers, or ANYTHING!

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