Why not? It's about as sensible as anything else that might go here and far cuter than the picture I contemplated (taking and) posting of Caleb's black and swollen eyelid.
I forgot (again) that Jesse has preschool on Thursdays, so with husband out of town I left him (5 yr old, not husband) with my sister while I gave a final exam Wednesday night and then spent the night with her and was just hanging out (and grading) when the other son called asking how to locate our friend the school nurse. I'm pretty clever so I knew this was a bad sign. Only when I asked why did he need this particularly useful (and loved) friend was I told Caleb had just had a seizure, hit his head and there was kinda alot of blood. Can you say 911?
And I called the school nurse so she could be there too -since it was prime rush hour and I (and husband) were on the far side from home of alot of rushing. Let's sum up. Scans and blood work clear, 3 stitches, impressive swelling, hours of waiting in traffic (even taking hybrid advantage of HOV lanes) to get to the ER and... wait, rescued finals from being thrown up on (hence the scan), most of grading done, yearly CT scan taken care of, medication blood levels (ordered last month and postponed until convenient -hah) done. Not bad for one day.
Oh, and earlier in the day heart to heart with sister about 92 year old mother's occasional craziness, later in the day (driving back from ER and 24hr pharmacy to be precise) heart to heart with college daughter about guys and "just being friends" and ... did I mention I want to sit in a corner and howl? Like the chickens.
If there is a point here... please tell me.
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