I don't know the name of this azalea -I got it in front of a small grocery store near where my mom lived. She said a retired pastor was the grower and we found many unusual varieties there. This one has a pink sheen to the buds (the picture is good) and it is simply my favorite. The scent is that defnite but slight fragrance only azaleas have-if they have any.
My mom came home. Her parting shot to the nurses as they said good bye and told her to take care of herself was, "You better take care of yourselves. There may be more like me coming." I doubt that. Really I do.
She was told at breakfast time she'd be discharged but it took to 3pm for all the i's to dotted and t's crossed. This should not have surprised me but some how it did a little. She made it up the porch steps pretty much on her own -my second biggest concern.
So now we are on our own (sort of) with the colostomy "system" -except for some home health visits the next few weeks (that's the sort of). They will help us figure out what "system" works the best (I am tempted to put the quotes on that last word too). You have no idea of the options.
I'd like to go to bed now but first I must help her with emptying my first biggest concern. Don't forget I am still open to pity. Also sleeping.
By the way - On the natural disaster front: I believe an actual tornado would be over the top even for our level of drama so somebody tell the Weather Channel to call off the Watch because if it goes to Warning getting into the basement in a hurry will not be pretty...