I even got a chance to get all 4 kids plus dad in one shot. Wide angle of course. And all standing unassisted. No, on closer inspection the dad is leaning on the railing.
We are both ready to lean on whatever is handy as it happens. I leaned on my friends yesterday and 3 of them came and cleaned my house, even unto the refridgerator. Blesed be they.
The very Grand mom is still in the hospital (I don't know what the case manager was smoking who gave us a heads up (not to mention a panic attack) she might be discharged Saturday (as in yesterday)). Her progress is good but slow -up to puddings yesterday, tomatoe soup today. Two percosets at a time though.
I haven't looked at the "wound" or attachments since Friday but it is all functioning and I keep supposing we will all get used to it.
If we can adjust to shunts and seizures and stammers and crutches and walkers and too much Serenity (oh what a pity they have changed the name to Tena, but it is still the brand next to Depends), we can...
Uh oh. My also exhausted husband says the little one is in bed and we'll try watching The King's Speech now or he'll collapse. I'll let you know if a movie about someone with a speech impediment is a good distraction.
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