How lovely and cool this caterpillar looks to me. Eating fennel must make you feel cooler too. Something must. We have no AC, no central air, no air con-ditioning, no tolerance for whiny children. I can only be glad the grandmother is at her house with the granddaughter. Only window units there but they have smaller rooms and I imagine a breeze from the river. So it's not so bad right?
It doesn't actually make me any cooler imagining the breeze off the river. But then again I am not fetching coffee, or helping with pouches (not "bags" I'm told by the certified colostomy nurse and surely she knows) (also "pouches" is more friendly). Nothing but sweating. Then the guilt sets in that mother and daughter are both there (as in not here) together. In case you can't figure it out that makes me a bad, bad daughter and a bad, bad mother. And sweaty.
They say we'll have storms tonight and I keep waiting for the wind.
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