Now for some more background. When I was growing up my mother did not believe in any bathroom talk. I wouldn't have even said potty. She wouldn't say "pee" and instead she said "o" (because it was the letter next to p and that struck her as funny -and it still does). One simply didn't discuss what happened in a bathroom. I still can't say the "f" word, I mean the other "f" word. Seriously, I did not know the word for diarhea at the same age she'd taught me how to identify Amanitas and Boletus and the delicious Ink Caps. It does seem a little strange to me now.
But that God, He has such a sense of humor because now I am in the bathroom with that same woman and she sits on the toilet so I can confirm that not only is the pouch not on but neither is anything else (colostomies are complicated let me tell you that) and as she sits I hear... shall we say running water? - and I say, "Mom, did you also forget to put your underwear back on?" and she says, "Sounds like it." And then we both start laughing and I can't stop giggling the entire time I'm putting her gear (hey, that's a new one the colostomy supply ads could use) back on.
The point is, her hearing is still good.
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