...or why women in their 50's just can't text and drive. On the other hand texting is a great way to communicate from the ER or on your way there (as at this moment captured with the same thing one texts on) - isn't technology amazing!?!
Now the Grandma update: She is miserable between vicodins and that comes out in a lot of little digs but then when the pain is under control she is very full of love and gratitude. Most of the time she can't figure out why she's still alive -depending on the pain control that makes her weep or laugh. Us as well. We did have fun at the table when she couldn't see well enough to tell what the yellow tomato was. Whatever it was we assured her it would taste like chicken. We thought this was funny but admittedly there's only so far you can go playing with the visually impaired. Also we save this sort of thing for when the vicodin is full strength.
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