Grandma is having alot of bad days (see previous blog, or don't) and then she tries hard to say nice things to cover it up. So she tells me how very wonderful the be-crutched grandson is, and how she's sorry she insisted he fetch us even though he assured her he would stay with her during a heart-racing episode (a.fib.). I assured her he understood and then she adds, "Well he went to get you -but you know how fast he is." Ha ha. It is always difficult politics when one vulnerable group is being insensitive to another vulnerable group. Make it my mother and my son and I am feeling that none of my vulnerabilities have been spared.
Apparently there were some spared (past tense). Yesterday provided further evidence that the University I work for is moving further away from using adjuncts. What had seemed, a few years ago, like an indefinite gig, has become spotty and may now be moving to ... spotless? I'm still teaching an undergraduate class in the spring. It hasn't been ruled out that I could still be the choice of last resort in the fall and might be used again next spring. The former would require a perfect storm of unavailabilities and the latter that I keep a rather fussy course director happy and confident in his mentoring skills and the undergrads entertained enough to give the class high marks. I could now launch into a tirade against educational systems and standards. I really could but clearly that would not be unique or special.
But here's the thing. If they do stop hiring me at this unnamed institute of higher learning I don't have any equivalent teaching/job opportunities. And when I say "equivalent" I mean ones that will sound as impressive. If I mention I teach and am asked what grade? people are at least mildly impressed I teach at a college level (only if pressed did I reluctantly admit graduate school) and if asked is it at the local community college?, then I say (looking humble) I'm at
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