Friday, April 6, 2012


...TO DO List while my mom is with (her) 1st daughter for a few weeks and (my) husband is on travel:

Item 1: Clean entire house

Item 2: Wash chalk messages from last summer off front door

Item3:Get out summer clothes (since the temperature has dropped 20 deg., of course?)

Item 4:Put away winter stuff in an organized way

Item 5: Reorganize my mom's closet and "supply" storage

Item 6: Find husband's lost Kindle since he swears he didn't leave the house with it

Item 6: PLant those plants I keep pickinh up at Garden Centers -it wouldn't be so bad if I just picked them up but I actuaaly paid for them

Item 7: Pay medical bills (semi-annual)

Item 8: Better organize time...oops, gotta go to the old ladies exercise class....

(you'll have to figure out the conection between picture and list)

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