Wednesday, September 30, 2009
We're from the government and we're here to help...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Almost 9 months ago but he is still practicing stomping. While he enters his dramatic phase (he was going to "die -ie" because it was the "wong" pizza tonight) -or should I say perfects, it I am entering my where-did-all-my-brain-cells-go-phase. My mom, the beloved grandma who knows everything, has been transferred to a rehab facility that seems very nice and seems to mean business. I'm not sure if she was joking or not when she said she was happy with the program they were starting her on except for the insufficient time for naps. I am guilt ridden because I only plan to go in once a day and to take advantage of my free time to - no wait a minute. I have a four year old. I forgot. I actually do momentarily forget. And a part time (limited of course) job and a very messy house and a whole lot of laundry... Maybe there is a reason I feel this tired. But I didn't seem to when Caleb was in the hospital -or this stupid. Maybe I am forgetting. All I know is this is my mother and this is different. I know she is going to die - I just don't know when. My children on the other hand I have no such knowledge pertaining to such events, certainly not in my lifetime. I was often fearful when Caleb was having all those surgeries but, well it was different, scarier but less of a personal private weight. This mortality thing getting hold of one's parents on the other hand... Well it nevers seems so unexpected as in one's own life. Like gray hairs and wrinkles and extra weight. It only seems extraordinary when I see it on me!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It is in fact practically an island that my mom lives on. Present tense is so important. Even though she is still in the hospital, I keep reminding her the plan is to first get her back here and then home again (silently adding, whenever someone can be there with her). The pain is under control but her spine is fractured and they have made her a brace -if we could paint it silver she'd look like a medieval Empress. And the plan may (or may not) be to discharge her to a rehab facility near the hospital for 1-2 weeks. Or maybe a not-a-nursing-home with less rehab somehwere else (we have a list of 6 for you viewing pleasure). The one I recognize on the list is very nearby and most defnitely a nursing home for some. And either any way we would have to get her there. Now that surprised even me. Here, she can't twist or move the wrong way so just get her into the car... or there is a "wheelchair taxi service" that may (or may not) be covered by medicare. The taking 4 days to tell us the hospital pharmacy didn't carry one of her medicines (she is only on 2 that matter) didn't surprise me at all. Been there done that.
She would clearly rather be on her island. She said she was dragging us all down -and I said no -she is the anchor that keeps us all from drifting out to sea. She always has been. She needs to hold on to us just a little longer.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
gray gray day
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Somehow this mom thing has been so much harder than I expected. Its not the laundry, or the running and fetching, or trying to get hold of the doctor -I expected that. It's the grief. I do not burst into tears at everything but I want to. When I do occasionally burst I have to do so away from my mom. I'm not my usual stoic self (if you don't know me the whooshing sound was my friends and loved ones running for cover). My mom has never cried much. Nor has she approved of crying much, or whining, or cutting your spaghetti. So when she said whe wanted to die this morning- as matter of factly as possible she didn't appreciate my tears or my vehemence in telling her it was not acceptable at this time. If her lungs, or heart were going, if she had cancer, -alright. But this she is just going to have to get over. Jesse isn't old enough to understand. I am not old enough to understand. Well, writing has helped -I know what to make for dinner -we'll have spaghetti.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Snowiness and that day seem a far far distant memory today. Now I am fighting my way through all Caleb's bills (it took 4 months but I just got the neurosurgeon's grand total) and trying to be cheery and encouraging seeing my mom in more pain than I have ever seen her in before. Every movement is painful and that means they aren't very quick and that means she can't get where she need to go in time all the time and that means she is embarassed and I am doing alot of laundry as cheerfully as possible. See me whistle while I work... And because she is trying not to complain about life she does complain about the bread my husband got (bad German pumpernickel buying man, bad) or politics or the medicine we try to get her to take or... herself. She is ashamed of herself. I inherited this tendency. The sicker I am the more I apologize -mom always said that was how she could tell when I was really sick. So I guess she is not faking it. But it did get us to go get her the better bread.
And by the way -you know who comes in and keeps grandma company and gets her lunch when I go out? Caleb, of course. And who reads to Jesse when I was too busy? Grandma of course -well all the time, -but when the codeine kicks in! So it is ok, really. (And Wegman's does have the best Napoleons)
I'm think of adding cooking tips.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
And now, with my sweetie gone on a work trip (they are testing something with balloons, really) , my mom moving as little as possible and me wigging out on some student when I couldn't remember a simple way to make a nice example of confounding I come home and Caleb tells me his head hurts. It has been hurting for hours. And immediately I think that this time I really will lose my mind. Or not. He did admit then that he had forgotten to drink much today. I made him drink and called my prayer partner- she asked if there were any flu symptoms (wisely I have an RN prayer partner) -that would be good. H1N1 would be way better. That's where I am right now, hoping it's just swine flu. Of course there is the very real chance it is just a headache. After all, mom is fine, I found my necklace in the hospital parking lot today only a little run over, I was not at all confused with one student -it's all good (evetually)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Short pause to check the shelf placement of my latest home-improvement project (which I now pay my children to do) and stop to dance to Guy Clark's rendition of "Homegrown Tomatoes" (find on YouTube), -then my guitar background music, working out the chords. Oh the pauses to dance -that's why I keep falling.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
09-09-09 (I like it I admit)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
We took her to see the Fireworks and Fountains show at Longwood Gardens this weekend. The whole thing is set to music -in this case music by Khachuriansomething. I figured it was a better choice of my mom than the show set to the music of Abba. As it turned out she said she had never liked Khachuwhatever but didn't want to mention it before hand because I was so pleased with myself for not booking the other one. She did trust me that she would prefer it to whoever Abba was. She only confessed to her previous dislike of what's his name after the show because she had enjoyed it so much. And if we just hadn't been so self-congratulatory about a job well done on the way home the next day maybe we wouldn't have had to all (by which I mean me, my husband, my mom, my youngest, and my sister (all mine you notice)) ride home in the rental car while the van enjoyed a trip on the back of a flat bed truck having fatally overheated about 10 minutes into the trip home. Still we did get to meet a lot of nice people at the WaWa's, several of whom offered to give us rides, and a staff who stored the luggage we got out of the van (and remembering the car seat AND the wheelchair) while we ate at a cute little pizza place (plug for Bravos Pizza in whatever that place was) and waited for my old college friend in Delaware to pick us up so we could get a rental from the airport because it was Labor Day and all the other car rental places were closed (and every now and then college daughter would call about her temporary crown and/or multivariate calculus).
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
And let's not even talk about his first hospitaliztion for a shunt revision and the doctor who included us in his "Grand rounds." So there I sat at 25, trying to nurse a baby who wasn't very good at it (that made 2 of us) and connected to IVs and we were surrounded by the old doctor and half a dozen new doctors and made exhibit A. I remember desperately trying to pull things back in place while the one female in the group cringed at the back of the crowd. Medical privacy.
So that should at least help explain why I hide my face here and use one of the many aliases my mother thoughtfully provided me by changing her mind several times about what to call me. That and the fact that this was the only photo with a really good shot of my shoes. I have no idea why my daughter was hiding other than to follow the rule that all 4 kids can NEVER look at the camera at the same time.