We took her to see the Fireworks and Fountains show at Longwood Gardens this weekend. The whole thing is set to music -in this case music by Khachuriansomething. I figured it was a better choice of my mom than the show set to the music of Abba. As it turned out she said she had never liked Khachuwhatever but didn't want to mention it before hand because I was so pleased with myself for not booking the other one. She did trust me that she would prefer it to whoever Abba was. She only confessed to her previous dislike of what's his name after the show because she had enjoyed it so much. And if we just hadn't been so self-congratulatory about a job well done on the way home the next day maybe we wouldn't have had to all (by which I mean me, my husband, my mom, my youngest, and my sister (all mine you notice)) ride home in the rental car while the van enjoyed a trip on the back of a flat bed truck having fatally overheated about 10 minutes into the trip home. Still we did get to meet a lot of nice people at the WaWa's, several of whom offered to give us rides, and a staff who stored the luggage we got out of the van (and remembering the car seat AND the wheelchair) while we ate at a cute little pizza place (plug for Bravos Pizza in whatever that place was) and waited for my old college friend in Delaware to pick us up so we could get a rental from the airport because it was Labor Day and all the other car rental places were closed (and every now and then college daughter would call about her temporary crown and/or multivariate calculus).
And who says Yankees aren't helpful to strangers? Maybe my mom will even leave the third syllable off now.
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