It is in fact practically an island that my mom lives on. Present tense is so important. Even though she is still in the hospital, I keep reminding her the plan is to first get her back here and then home again (silently adding, whenever someone can be there with her). The pain is under control but her spine is fractured and they have made her a brace -if we could paint it silver she'd look like a medieval Empress. And the plan may (or may not) be to discharge her to a rehab facility near the hospital for 1-2 weeks. Or maybe a not-a-nursing-home with less rehab somehwere else (we have a list of 6 for you viewing pleasure). The one I recognize on the list is very nearby and most defnitely a nursing home for some. And either any way we would have to get her there. Now that surprised even me. Here, she can't twist or move the wrong way so just get her into the car... or there is a "wheelchair taxi service" that may (or may not) be covered by medicare. The taking 4 days to tell us the hospital pharmacy didn't carry one of her medicines (she is only on 2 that matter) didn't surprise me at all. Been there done that.
She would clearly rather be on her island. She said she was dragging us all down -and I said no -she is the anchor that keeps us all from drifting out to sea. She always has been. She needs to hold on to us just a little longer.
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