Jesse's art on the window and my Celestial Seasonings tye-dyed shirt. Anyway I only have "THREE minutes" to finish "payin on the computer" according to Jesse because then I have to play on the Wii with him (yes, we have a Wii -the first video game system I bought, I like the buzzy thing the controllers do. Simple feedback apparently works. I probably would train well as a lab rat.) So todays update. I had a fight with my 91 year old mother. Of course I don't think it was my fault but I'm pretty sure she doesn't think it was hers either. We are both touchy and pretty much for the same reasons. I told her she can't die tonight because then it will be my fault. I think she was going to object until I pointed out that she told me to drive safely when I went to take Jesse to preschool for the same reason. Bernie and I are going to make a list of things we won't be stubborn and unreasonable about when we are old. I'm afraid even if that works we will just find someother ways to be difficult -and probably more so since my temper has always been less even than my mom's. Not surprisingly I was lat picking up jesse too but when I said to him, "Here's your rotten mommy." (laughingly I assure) he so seriously tole me I was not "wotten" and then on the way hoome told me "You are not bad, at all mommy. And I will never be mean to you again." Where these things come from I don't know but I am hanging on to them. Yesterday he threw up all morning and then spent several hours telling us all how he loved us because we were doing a good job at this or that" oops, he is here and says my 3 minutes are up.
Oh and Caleb did sign up for 2 classes for the spring and both Tues/Thurs -good thinking.
And TODAY we have NO TEENAGERS!!! Happy Birthday my lovely girl.
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