OK -this is posed but it was all the middle monkey's idea. My older monkeys liked their pictures taken too but I'm not sure it meant as much at this age. And they didn't ask to see the results right away because that would have been silly. I had to take the film to be developed. Jesse of course would be completely baffled by a camera that didn't give you instant gratification.
Medical updates. Grandma is improving but indignities still happen and she has this brace thingy (medical term) that she has to wear for any activities (like sitting, or standing, or moving) and she needs help to get in it. She is not scrubbing floors yet and I made it clear to the case manager that should be the therapy goal. They have to have goals of course. She gave me one og those looks before laughing to be sure I didn't mean it. Today we got a CDC guide to safety for the elderly at home. I like the part that said any furniture in her path should be moved (what if she changed paths?) and best of all the warning that there should never be "objects on the floor." Oh that's reasonable. That of course explains the PT's look when she commented that she could see there must be small children around (I left the toy cabinet's doors open and the potential floor dwelling objects were there for all to see).
Caleb is (cross my fingers) looking at signing up for classes next semester. I am naturally lazy so it hasn't been too hard to stay out of the process so far but I am getting anxious now. I want to check schedules and make appointments and all that. I did tell him today to make some progress on it this week but I know he needs to do this on his own. Maybe it is God's idea to keep me busy or I probably would have been doing alot more pushing lately. God is so funny.
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