I have wondered for a while about the economic impact of cutting health care costs. I mean sure it's expensive (and trust me I know) but at least the money goes into our own economy.The local hospital here may have made a healthy profit last year but I know some of the people who got bonuses. And why, I often wonder, should the high cost of saving lives be more scandalous than the high cost of, say, all these electronics we (or our children) have to have? Well at least in the future if your insurer goes broke you can console yourself that the pain will be spread globally (see link) . http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20100325/wl_csm/290215
Oh and here is a picture of the big green ball the day before Jesse put the "pokey thing" in it and it became mine.
Oh and when I fell apart this morning and sobbed when I wondered to myself if my real problem with the teaching uncertainty was the day to day uncertainty with both my mom and Caleb, I knew I'd hit the injured spot. It was like when I had appendicitis (both times, but that's another story) and the doctor pushed in the exact spot and the gernerally painful abdomen became quite ... focussed. Is there an -otomy for this? On the other hand if there was, given my history, they'd miss the stump.
Oh and Carolyn pointed out that not only does Jesse turn 5, and I turn 50 this year. She turns 21. That's it. No more birthdays.
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