Tuesday, December 6, 2011
the magic kingdom part III
I explained to the travel agent that access was very much an issue for us. I was willing to pay (with money if need be for gosh sakes) for acessibility but by acessibility I meant distance (as opposed to wheelchair friendly). No problem. Everything at The Kingdom is accessible and they'd request a room near an elevator. For all I know the original room we were booked into at Coronado Springs may have been right next to the elevator. It was also on the other side of a lake. You could conveniently catch a bus to get back to the lobby. Even the first girl at the check in desk looked at our group and realized this was not a good idea. The next room was in building 5 and "near" a bus stop. Here we are on our way. About half way there I asked my son, "Will this work?" "Sure." says he. "Several times a day?" says I. "Not really," his honest reply. So back I go to the lobby (after a detour to find the bus stop and confirm that our "near" and a perky young woman's "near" were not so, well... near). The final room was what at this point did indeed seem like a short walk and was, by our new standards, "near" a bus stop -and on the first floor so we didn't have to walk down any halls. What a relief (sarcasm).
At the end of the day, on our way back to the room after a traitorous trip to Sea World, I joked with some random employee about the trek back to the room and they suggested one of the complimentary wheelchairs the resort had. A wheelchair we could take with us into the parks and use all week and not have to rent another (as we just had at Sea World). Now I fully understand why this idea didn't occur to us. For one thing we has no idea they had wheelchairs at the resort, for rent or otherwise. For the another thing, none of the nice people at the front desk when I was this side of tears (and keep in mind you don't actually know which side this is) trying to figure out how we would manage mentioned it. Do you suppose it's part of the strict "don't ask, don't tell" policy enforced at the parks? Ah, you don't know about the policy. And how could you since they won't ask or tell? So I will in my next blog. (If the suspense keeps you up at night don't say I didn't warn you)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
the magic kingdom part II
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
the magic kingdom Part 1
Friday, November 18, 2011
time fillers
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
that time of year
Monday, October 31, 2011
trick or treat
Friday, October 28, 2011
Miracle (at the DMV) and other portents
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
the digital age
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Confidence crisis: My evaluations
Dreams and goals are important. I provide here the comments (slightly modified from the originals) I dream of :
"The professor was very knowledgable but frankly I'm just not bright enough to catch on."
"Grading was fair. I totally deserved a D."
"Grading was unfair. I totally deserved a D."
" I thought the slides had too much information, but the other student's didn't seem to have a problem so I guess it's just me."
"Considering how difficult the material and how little time I put into it I'm surprised I didn't find it more confusing."
"I only wish there had more theory and less examples so I'd really understand what I was doing and be able to apply the material to something (or anything) that differs from the examples."
"The professor obviously cares about the students as demonstrated by the fact that she didn't slap that guy who kept asking the same question over and over and over again. Way to go!"
or, just once, "Due to my elementary knowledge of this complex material I do not feel qualified to evaluate this professor on anything other than my perceptions and feelings about the class, and these obviously have little bearing on its educational value."
What if there really was a Fantasy Island? Could we sail there?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Blue Van: RIP
You see the eldest's crutches fit under the backseat and you really could fit anything in it. And (in it's own way) it was reliable and I hate change.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Unprepossessing -I checked the spelling
You see I -no, we have always regretted our cheap honeymoon and the reception was pretty cheap too. But I had never thought to complain that the proposal had fallen short until this summer when friends told us various tales from their children of romantic (and highly planned) proposals. Silly younger generation says I. But no, the parents had their own story and I realize, after overlooking this for 28 years, I'd been gypped. So, while our jib was in their possesion to be mended my husband suggests they put in very large letters, "Will you marry me?" on it with bright blue painters tape. Which was very funny and sweet and adorable -when we were the only ones out on the river. On the other hand sailing with my grown children and having people shout, "What was the answer?" was a bit awkward. Although not, my husband tells me, as awkward as when he sailed with a friend the next day and all the boats were out again - a bald male friend. So I have to say -he doesn't owe me for the unprepossessing nature of the original proposal anymore.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Grandma is taking a long time to live
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
pink ribbons etc
Monday, October 3, 2011
cloudy perspectives
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Seeing bugs
Monday, September 26, 2011
scary world
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
pet peeves
No, today's pet peeve is more of a statistics and probability thing. First there was the hurricane forecasts where they kept saying things like we were "overdue" for a big one. And now there is this plague-y movie saying basically the same thing for a really scary epidemic. Please understand that I am not saying the big plague, or the big hurricane aren't about to hit. But, unless we are talking earthquakes where no activity means a build up of pressure, in the land of probability a lack of events mean the missing events (probably) aren't that likely. As my advisor once said if the no. 22 (for example, I'm not picking on the number 22) ping pong ball isn't selected for a long run a true statistician doesn't think it has to come up next he* thinks someone swiped the no. 22.
The mechanisms for the next big plague sound plausible enough and many people much smarter and probably tenured think it's coming but what I still don't get is why they don't pay any attention to the fact it hasn't happened yet. I'm sure it's not because that doesn't sound nearly as important to fund and would make a movie even duller than today's blog.
Which reminds me seizures seem to be more like earthquakes than ping pong balls in lottery baskets and Caleb is about due. Shunt failures are somewhere in between ( a long spel of working means...it's working (see what I mean, no plot) but an even longer period could mean some wear and tear. I'm thinking we are in a sweet spot right now and it would be a good time to make travel plans.
If you read through this... thanks.
*the girl statisticians aren't playing the lottery
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Earthquakes and Lightning
... and never do dream I will fall. Thank you Emmy Lou for understanding.
I really want to feel very sorry for myself. Very. First there was our romantic plans for just the two of us in CA -after that turned into nothinng but a streppy throat (medical term) I downgraded the anniversary plans. Besides this is one of those numbers that can't be true because I'm not even that old so how could my marriage be? We decided for a simple afternoon excursion on the sailboat, just us, our dear friends and Irene.
Poor me. Poor poor me. Does it really count that in between (that's when the summer comes for us) that we sailed and swam and beached and hiked and kayaked? No. And even if it did who knows if any of the necessary accouterments (spelling restrictions have been lifted due to the weather so no need to check that) will survive the weekend.
So I want to feel very sorry for myself since there really were earthquakes and lightning too. It's not at all fair that self pity is just so ruined by everybody else having pretty much the same week. Not fair at all.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
hatched, 20 years apart
Monday, July 11, 2011
bipolar life continues
Friday, June 24, 2011
Caleb Kayaks!!!!
And it took me 2 weeks to finally put this in here because I couldn't think of words for it. I still can't. I can't even think of any way to make it funny. Disasters can be funny. Tragedy, hilarious. Stupidity entertaining (guiltily) -but ... How can I even begin to convey what it feels like after 26 years and one brilliant idea after another (but the failures were comical) to finally find one that works? No one is holding that kayak, or guiding it. There are no strings attached. You can not tell from the picture what a miracle of normal this is. That amazingness of just like everyone else is only apparent to those who have seen all the not so normal. There are no crutches here. Even to me it feels vaguely insensitive to rejoice that he doesn't look handicapped here. Too bad. Of course it isn't wrong to be handicapped- but by golly it sucks. This didn't. Not at all. He stayed out for an hour. As soon as we can we'll be out there again.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Weird sky
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
It's the little things
The strawberries are ripe, my college girl is home for the summer, my mom is back at her house with the college girl, exams are graded, and a new class started...
And just about anything wil make me cry in between the moments when I feel life is overwhelmingly sweet and good because it is all so sad and difficult. That pretty much sums it up.
Oh, and the nice trauma surgeon says at the end of the summer my mom could have the colostomy reversed. Let me just pencil that in.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day
Really I remind myself that if I keep in mind where we were a week ago, and the week before that we are doing better and better. But then I think about a week before that and -no, really this is not an improvement.
That many weeks ago I knew more than I wanted to know on any number of topics but absolutely nothing about stomas. If you don't know what this is be happy. I can only say my mother is tired of the nurses telling her it (hers inparticular) is beautiful. Nurses are funny people...
Meanwhile I have graded the final exam and posted grades and am now waiting to hear from that one student who always wants to know how I came up with their grade (by doing exactly what the syllabus said I'd do...). Truthfully it has been a good bunch this semester and a number are certainly smarter than I am. I only say that to sound humble -who really thinks this at the end of the semester? Mostly I think, how, when I said everything so clearly, could they still seem so confused? Irrationally I write a question to be challenging and then am annoyed with the ones who are too obviously challenged by it. It really hasn't been long enough since I was a student to be changing sides so easily. Still, in us vs. them, it's so comforting to know who us is - in the classroom at least. I've no idea which side I'm on anywhere else.
I think the non-picture taker in the family took this picture today because he knew I needed reminding. I couldn't be a mom without him.
Monday, May 2, 2011
It's just p**p
Besides the pain and life-threatening part, my mom is simply repulsed by the reality of the colostomy. I pretend not to be but I am too. She turns away and cries and I try to sound cheerful and nonchalant and then I go and cry -or yell at my husband -or forget what red lights are there for -or have my husband yell back at me because we are both too exhausted and too overwhelmed and ...
When the home-health nurse said we had to take her to the ER Saturday night due to unusually severe pains and swollen ankles, instead of acting like the veterans of such things we are, we acted like the traumatized wrecks that we are (also). If a friend hadn't stopped by and reminded us of basics like shoes and keys we wouldn't have made it there. The surgeon said, "I'll meet you at the ER" which sounds so as if he'll be waiting by the door -at least if you're delusional it does. So eventually when we'd gone through triage and we'd recounted everything to everyone the surgeon came and said (again I quote), "you just had a big p**py." We stopped at Burger King for fries on the way home and deliriously -even my mom, repeated his words over and over again.
...because while it is true my mom has never appreciated bathroom humor - it was her subversive sense of humor that inspired my choice of garden planters.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A full house
I don't know the name of this azalea -I got it in front of a small grocery store near where my mom lived. She said a retired pastor was the grower and we found many unusual varieties there. This one has a pink sheen to the buds (the picture is good) and it is simply my favorite. The scent is that defnite but slight fragrance only azaleas have-if they have any.
My mom came home. Her parting shot to the nurses as they said good bye and told her to take care of herself was, "You better take care of yourselves. There may be more like me coming." I doubt that. Really I do.
She was told at breakfast time she'd be discharged but it took to 3pm for all the i's to dotted and t's crossed. This should not have surprised me but some how it did a little. She made it up the porch steps pretty much on her own -my second biggest concern.
So now we are on our own (sort of) with the colostomy "system" -except for some home health visits the next few weeks (that's the sort of). They will help us figure out what "system" works the best (I am tempted to put the quotes on that last word too). You have no idea of the options.
I'd like to go to bed now but first I must help her with emptying my first biggest concern. Don't forget I am still open to pity. Also sleeping.
By the way - On the natural disaster front: I believe an actual tornado would be over the top even for our level of drama so somebody tell the Weather Channel to call off the Watch because if it goes to Warning getting into the basement in a hurry will not be pretty...
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
PItiful me
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Raised Up
I even got a chance to get all 4 kids plus dad in one shot. Wide angle of course. And all standing unassisted. No, on closer inspection the dad is leaning on the railing.
We are both ready to lean on whatever is handy as it happens. I leaned on my friends yesterday and 3 of them came and cleaned my house, even unto the refridgerator. Blesed be they.
The very Grand mom is still in the hospital (I don't know what the case manager was smoking who gave us a heads up (not to mention a panic attack) she might be discharged Saturday (as in yesterday)). Her progress is good but slow -up to puddings yesterday, tomatoe soup today. Two percosets at a time though.
I haven't looked at the "wound" or attachments since Friday but it is all functioning and I keep supposing we will all get used to it.
If we can adjust to shunts and seizures and stammers and crutches and walkers and too much Serenity (oh what a pity they have changed the name to Tena, but it is still the brand next to Depends), we can...
Uh oh. My also exhausted husband says the little one is in bed and we'll try watching The King's Speech now or he'll collapse. I'll let you know if a movie about someone with a speech impediment is a good distraction.