The world according to Jesse:
He named his new toy ladybug "Mr. Ladybug" because there must be boy ladybugs so they can be strong and the girl ladybugs can be not strong.
50 is not old because it is along way from 100. Therefore I (mom) am not old and I should have another baby.
The teacher says you should not sleep together. Sleeping together is wrong. [on further questioning we were informed that this is what the teacher says at nap time when they lay out their mats]
Grandma is not old because 92 is also not 100.
He is worried he will lose "his thinking" when he is a grown up because grown ups don't have "thinking".
He does not like showers he likes baths. Why? Because "in the bath I don't pick my nose." [this was as far as we could tell a completely random thought]
He did not put Grandma's cane in his bedroom. Not today he didn't. He put it there some other day so he should not go in time out.
Everytime he sees an American flag he is very excited because those people must also live where we do in "Remerica" [I am beginning to call it Remerica myself]
Clarifying his question to the only child who lives next door, "I mean do you have the kind of brothers or sisters who live somewhere else?"
When told because he was wishing he was a grown-up that then he'd have to go to work like daddy he clarified he meant, "the kind of grown-ups like [fill in names of older siblings here who don't appear to work].
Role models are so important.
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