Friday, March 18, 2011

Life is so hard

It is true we have a hot tub but it is also true it rained alot last week so we had to improvise. Neighbors (some years ago) were getting rid of the hot-tub so we paid a little to them and nothing at all to the other neighbor who drove his little pick-up between our yards to move it and here we are in the heart of decadence.
To balance out my guilt let me share that this same weekend I had to cut the 5 year old's toenails (nothing unusual there, but he does wiggle so it still counts), my mother's (also to be expected for a 92 year old but it definitely gives me points) the 26 year old's (this one gives me double points -his toes are twisty, the nails hard and I just shouldn't have to be doing this [whining alert]) and the 21 year old's (OK -no points, but she had new sandals and I had nail scissors ready to go).
Where was I going with this? I'm not sure because the neurosurgeon just called back and that was really why I was blogging -to distract myself. And what did he say? He said to just see how things go and call him back tomorrow. The "things" - actually just one "thing" -is a mysterious pain in my eldest's chest. I poked and prodded and played (medical) doctor and it makes no sense. Except that his shunt(= neurosurgeon) does now drain into his heart and it is finally not raining on a day we planned to take my mom to her own house for the day and a friend has arrived from out of town and my better half has taken the day off and ...well it is just the kind of day when I expect to be waylaid by a medical crisis. But apparently I'm not quite. Just a road bump in the highway of life. Try some aspirin and call me in the morning. Into every life a little rain must fall. And as they say if your feet look nice the rest will take care if itself. No, I just made that up, so maybe we'd better still pray.

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