Sunday, June 17, 2012

Feed me. Feed me.

 I told my mom about blogging that I called her a bad word but added that we had both apologized and she said (exact words here), "Yeah but I don't think either of us meant it." My exact reply, "Yeah I said that too ... because we are so related."

 She is with my sister right now so I was talking to her while shopping in Lowe's and I saw work gloves on sale so I told my mom, "Work gloves on sale!", and with no time to spare she asked, "Is there a man in them?" What this shows you is that one of us is still making witty conversation

"He didn't know beans from buttercups."
-Grandma recently describing some idiot at a plant nursery

But you know this is on her good days. On the bad ones she is not so funny. Growing older (I can't say old since at 94 that's done) isn't so funny. And I'm right behind her.

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