Friday, June 1, 2012

Still a bipolar life

I was thinking today how nearly perfect my life is sometimes. How rich and wonderful to have all my family about and all the stages and ages together.
 And then I got home. My grey(ing)-bearded one pulled up right behind me. The little one ran out to meet him -and complain that the next oldest son (which means 18 years older remember) had been teasing him. Then that one came to explain that he'd only been trying to find out why Grandma was yelling. Apparently she was, let us say disgruntled, because the eldest son of mine had brought her very little for lunch and when I leave the house she doesn't seem to leave her bed. I spoke with the old boy and he clearly felt he was being asked to do too much. He pointed out that all activities take him twice the energy it would for an able bodied person (clearly it was a mistake to share with him an article we once saw that said children  with CP burn twice the calories). He was angry, unhappy, put upon. So I went into my mom. She was angry, unhappy and put upon. I went to bed and curled into a very small ball and cried.
 I got up and checked email and read (or to be honest that's the way I read it)  the class I worked so hard on will not be mine again and I know that since it is a core class and I am a limited-part-time adjunct with no research experience to boast of  (and did I mention angry, unhappy and put upon ?) this is perfectly reasonable. Also the professors currently teaching have already thanked me for my "very helpful" Power Point slides and course material* I shared. 
   Naturally the seven year old decided to be extra whiney tonight. The evening was rounded off by tornado warnings postponing our trip to Grandma's house where there was to be a ceremonial changing of the guard - i.e. she spends June with her kinder daughter.
So  that's nearly perfect, right? At least a perfect storm of self pity.
Oh, the bug was in the middle of an otherwise perfect magnolia bloom. My symbology is not subtle.

*honesty alert: well, when I prepared those I also first worked from  previous profs' slides and I don't actually know how much of my material anyone else is now using. I just imagine it is alot  because my final slides were beautiful (intellectually speaking) and this is my blog.

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