Seriously. This looks adorable. And like he knows what he is doing. I finally had to stop watching from the lounge window as he gesticulated to his group instructor and tried to take off one ski and put on the other and just generally, and clearly even from a distance, tried to do things his was. The important thing though is that this picture is awesome.
We are at a ski resort. It was a plan long before the Great Big Blizzard of the East was a twinkle in anyone's eyes. we had set Caleb up for 2 days "sit" skiing -something he has done once or twice a year for years with an organization that does adaptive sports. He love it. This year I decided we should all go along and Jesse was ready for lessons. So I made all the arrangements, my sister said she'd come stay with mom. And then the forecasters started their thing. I sobbed when I heard travel might be impossible Friday night. I was desperate. We booked another night (at this point we might as well have flown to Bermuda (hyperbole)) and I left Thursday night. Bernie, with son #2 and friend, left early Friday morning -by which I mean 12:30am. Still that was a good choice. The mountains were slick by morning light.
We settled in. The skiing for Caleb was canceled Saturday but the other big boys still snowboarded in the blowing snow. I just worked on Ppt slides so I'd be free the play by the time the sun came out. Good plan huh?
Thing is some how I ended up the one holding the boots, trading coats with Caleb when his zipper broke, and not being fond of my husband when he opted to ski (as I had encouraged him to do), stuck in the "Welcome Center" with free internet but no car, no food, a long walk from the condo, and still hauling around the boots, and my batteries are running down. I am still working on feeling very sorry for myself. I'd like to say I have kept it to myself but I had to call the skiing husband to pick me up and drive me here when I got lost walking from the ski lodge (no internet there without a password) -so he could kinda tell at that point I was not so happy. Actually I had not completely revealed my secret until , noticing my snippyness, the man asked, "Wasn't this supposed to be a relaxing break?" Oh boy. Yeah. See the boots I am carrying because you didn't want to put them back in the car and failed to notice that I would have to them around for 4 hours? Or the lecture prep I made myself finish yesterday to be "free" today, or the cooking and... -no I actually skipped the cooking complaint. Even I know I kept professing to enjoy it- and I did until he said that. Then suddenly I was totally abused. And really, the boots are those cute little frog rainboots of Jesse's (in case you were picturing something a bit more burdensome).
When will I stop thinking I can run away and not find myself waiting where-ever I go?
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