I read today that "millions" of people were "demoralized" by the second blizzard in 2 days - I was demoralized that we only got about 3 more inches. I have become greedy for snow and the 20+ inches we already had is just not enough. Everything stops for the snow. Caleb is snowbound with a family from church who picked him up from classes yesterday since the buses weren't running (well they often help him get to the bus) and he had packed extra stuff just in case -and then the blizzard was late getting here so we really could have gotten him -but why spoil the fun? My engineering husband made a sled run that started at the top of the porch steps and wrapped around to go into the back yard. I answered email questions about identifying the variables in a questionnaire and fumed about pharisaical tendencies in otherwise perfectly decent people (Titheing mint!) and helped my niece by being the interviewee for her class on teaching people with disabilities. The topic for that last thing was society's negative views of people with... an hour of providing examples and then the "positive" questions -what were our "great expectations" and his? how about relationships? Nope, not cheering me up. There was at least a perverse glee in affirming the bad behavior in society at large. Gusting winds inside and out. But Grandma could sit by the window to watch the sledders and the birds, and the snow is beautiful and glows blue and it cools my burning cheeks. Rumors of another storm just tantalize us. Everyone else demoralizes us.
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