So you can see upkeep on the hot tub exterior is behind schedule but the sled run? Even as I type I hear the shoveling as he of the engineering mind is, in the dark, continuing to perfect it, improving the banking, extending the distance. As of this morning it was probably the safest route out of the house. Every time Caleb exits I walk with him so he can brace the crutch tip on my shoe instep if needed (I'm so glad I have great snow boots). I'd just returned from dropping him off at the bus (finally running again) (and where he told me as he got on he hadn't checked anyone was meeting him to help get to class) when my mom told me she had lied to Bernie. I was OK with that. But she had lied when she told him she was fine this morning. She was not. So phone calls were made and ... more phone calls were made... and a few more and I was ready to take her to her GP (1+ hours away) and the sled master was ready to come home and take Jesse to the firehouse for the preschool field trip and then preschool for the long delayed Valentine's Day party and well alot of stuff like that. And it took 20 minutes to get Grandma over the ice and to the car (I'm thinking we should have put the sled run on the front porch). Naturally I drove off with the only set of keys to the car the man planned to use and he lost (and eventually found) his work badges and the GP ordered xrays and... well alot of stuff like that. I did drive the bit farther and let mom at least see her house was still standing. That was good if frustrating since I didn't want her to get out and see the water damage from the burst pipe 2 weeks ago.
Naturally after one of those lectures last night where everyone (including me) seems to be staring blankly at one another I had the great idea of starting a "Discussion forum" on Blackboard (which I still hate) and offering extra credit for participation. Which meant I must be checking it, and I needed to send the TAs the latest grading guidelines and ... well alot of stuff like that.
When Jesse got in bed with me "to cuddle" yesterday morning he finally turned to me and sorrowfully pointed out, "You're just lying there with your eyes closed!" You can sympathize with me can't you? I did put my arms around him then and as he squished into me he said, "Now that is cuddle-ing." So I shouldn't be whining.
Some one said something to me that was meant to be (and was) very nice about my saying " 'Yes' to life". The thing is that really pretty often I'm saying something much more like, "No, I don't think so," or occasionally, "Not now, I have a headache." Life just doesn't listen.
God on the other hand -He does... and then I have to apologise.
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