Thursday, March 15, 2012

Early spring

I guess she is all over the pneumonia now. I can hear her in the next room discussing politics with my other half. We took her back to her house (at great personal sacrifice) over the weekend and she was so happy to be able to sit out in the sun and look at the river that she asked me to take her picture. In almost 94 years I'm pretty sure that is the first time she asked someone to take her picture. There are pictures of her in her wedding gown but they aren't from her wedding day -they were done as a gift from a friend at the commercial photographer she'd worked for. I can't imagine her handing someone a camera and saying, "Get one of me standing next to..." She didn't even put me or my sister in pictures unless it added scale to the composition. Or when we looked very funny from say the mumps (that one of me she also got her favorite azalea into).

Was everyone of her generation like that? Sort of the opposite of the Facebook era?

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