Saturday, June 14, 2014

extra credit

 There was this AMC series called Turn. As crazy as the last few weeks have been we still watched it. My mom couldn't see it well but she enjoyed hearing us whoop and holler. Which we did for reasons that had nothing to do with the plot. I personally have no idea what the plot was since I spent the show running in and out of the room with the 9 year old to avoid the violent parts. It's a war story so ...  we just ran back when everyone started yelling because sometimes the guy in the CENTER of this shot was all we really cared about. And it was even focused on him. It's like being famous but with out all the fuss (or money).
  These extras don't  get credited. They just stand around adding VERY IMPORTANT background scenery. But this one is pretty awesome. You can just tell he's thinking, "My mom is so great. ...But her life is so hard"
 And here he is ready to defend his mom no matter how guilty she may feel for letting Grandma go with her sister the redcoats  in a week. But really his mom needs a break. And grandma will be happy still, or at least not any more unhappy, probably. And besides school is out for the summer and his little brother needs mom time too. His mom should NOT feel guilty. He knows that. You can just tell they all know it's time.
This is a prisoner exchange. Only some of the prisoners were released (one being a major character of course) but you can see this extra is still exhausted and gaunt from his time on the prison ship, and probably feeling guilty because not all the prisoners were so lucky. Also I think he has to look serious or they might put him back in chains. He is probably thinking of his mom again. Think how happy he'll be when he gets home and finds his mom recovered from her gardening war injury. Although there must have been a camera issue because I'm pretty sure they should have been focusing on the extra.
Do I need permission to post a screen capture? Or is this free advertising? Or freedom of the press? Or just a basic mother's prerogative? I'm pretty sure I shouldn't feel guilty for this too.

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