Thursday, September 24, 2009

gray gray day

Just a news note. After being up with my mom at 4:30 because she needed help moving we finally called the rescue squad at 6:30 (AM). So Bernie is going in now and I am home with a sleeping Jesse to try and "rest" before lecturing tonight. It's not really very interesting. 91 year old woman recovering too slowly from a fall -definitely not drama-in-real-life material. Except that she is my mother and I am much too young to do without my mother. My gray hairs might fool you (if I hadn't dyed them) but I am. And I know it doesn't look like an earth shaking tragedy but I assure you it is. I usually can philosophize about the really big stuff but it is the "little" stuff -the things we certainly could see coming and that all our neighbors will or have had too- those things befuddle me and there seems no comfort. At least not at 6:30 (AM) on an unopened morning.

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