Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the digital age

Credit to my other half for this photo -and to the incredible advances in digital photography (and naturally also to the maker of the sunset). But my point is I have way too many photos. This is mostly the fault of my baby. He is so... cute and he makes the other kids look... kinda cute again and then I feel kinda guilty about all the pictures of him so I take pictures of them even without him in the actual picture. The end result being a need for more and more memory and since there is nothing I can do about mine I buy computers and flashdrives and portable hard drives and discs and ink and photo paper and late at night I wonder what the point is exactly and what did people do when they couldn't record every memory and every beatiful sunset and what if my computer crashes before it's all backed up?

I learned about taking pictures from my mom -she had a great eye and she took slides -Agfa only please as the Kodak colors were too bright. She included us if needed only for perspective. They were beautiful pictures and as a kid boring as heck to watch all evening until we'd finally get to one of me (vanity, vanity). Now they are discoloring under her bed in box after box and I dread the day my sister and I will have to decide what to do with them. Even in good condition (mine or the slides really) what will I do with pictures of the mountains in Northern Spain? Or another cathedral somewhere I can't quite identify in Europe?

So what I learned is to take pictures with famous places in them only to give perspective to my kids because there is a chance they may want the pictures of themselves. And to take pictures of whatever I please only for myself and some transient amusement. The rest of my memories will have to go with me when I go. The sunsets were never mine to keep.

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